Distribution of Feminine Hygiene Kits

Findings from the formative research conducted from June to August 2022, indicated that the adolescent girls had challenges with menstruation and menstrual hygiene. This led to the acquisition of hygiene kits aimed at resolving the issue of proper menstrual hygiene management. Each hygiene kit contains four sanitary pads, a bottle of hand-sanitizer, a cake of soap and a hand towel.

On October 26 and November 1, 2022, Women’s Health to Wealth distributed the feminine hygiene kits together with Oral ‘B’ toothbrushes to twenty-four girls clubs in Dormaa East and twenty-six girls clubs in Ahafo-Ano Southwest. A total of six hundred and sixty (660) kits together with eight hundred and sixty-four (864) toothbrushes were distributed to the twenty-four girls clubs in Dormaa East whiles seven hundred and forty-six (746) kits together with nine hundred and thirty-six (936) toothbrushes were distributed to the twenty-six girls clubs in Ahafo-Ano Southwest.

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